What we create
Unique Handmade Sweets
- Natural Organic Product Nullam vel condimentum odio, non dictum nulla. Etiam iaculis elit ultricies.
- Packaging Design Maecenas ut viverra quam. Fusce vitae ornare nulla, nec tincidunt neque.
- Best Quality Cocoa Phasellus in eros lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus.
our mission
“Making chocolates is an art that we have perfected over the years to make our customers happy”

Orlando Detmers
pastry chef
What we create
Unique Handmade Sweets
Basic Plan
$9.99 / month
- Recipe creation
- Purchase of ingredients
- Product preparation
- Design decoration
Light Plan
$15.29 / month
- Recipe creation
- Purchase of ingredients
- Product preparation
- Design decoration
Optimal Plan
$46.00 / month
- Recipe creation
- Purchase of ingredients
- Product preparation
- Design decoration
Maximum Plan
$79.49 / month
- Recipe creation
- Purchase of ingredients
- Product preparation
- Design decoration